Tuesday, October 26, 2010


NE Messaages:
1. Singapore is our is where we belong                                          
2. We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
3. We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.
4. No one owes Singapore a living.
5. We must ourselves defend Singapore.                                                              


National Flag:


The National Flag of Singapore is the symbol of statehood. It replaced the Union Jack which had flown over Singapore for [40 years (1819-1959)]. It was the commitee headed by Dr Toh Chin Chye (the Deputy Prime Minister) which conceived of and createdthe flag. Together with the State Crest and the National Anthem,it was unveiled on 3 December 1959, at the Installation of the new Head of State. Upon independence in 1965,it was adoptedas the National Flag.


Red - symbolises the universal brotherhood and equality of man
White - signifies pervading and everlasting purity and virtue
Crescent - represents 5 ideals of demorcracy, peace, progress, justice and equality
Republic's motto

Majulah Singapura - Onwards Singapore
Lion - represents Singapore
Tiger - represents the island's historical links with Malaysia

Nation Anthem:


It was written in the wake of nationalism during 1956-1957. The composer is Encik Zubir Said, he had written it on the basis of two words, "Majulah Sinagpura". The patriotic song was first performed by the Singapore Chamber Ensemble at the opening ceremony of the newly-renovated Victoria Theatre. It was lanched on 3 December 1959. "Majulah Singapura" was adopted as the republic's National Anthem .
                                                                                               Encik Zubir Said                                                



It was written by Mr s Rajarathnam in 1966, the Pledge was written against the backdrop of racial riotsin the 50s and 60s. He revealed that the dream was about building Singapore a good country. He believed that language, race and religion were divisive factors, but the Pledge emphasizes that these differences can be overcome if Singaporeans cared for their country. This draft text was handed to the Prime Mnister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, whi polished the text before submitting it to Cabinet.

                                                                             Mr S Rajaratham